Akihabara Archives
In this corner, we will look back on the history of this Akihabara electric town, which is unique in the world. By knowing the history of Akihabara, you may be able to see the familiar scenery of the city in a different way. We hope you will come to know Akihabara more and more.
【Prologue -Origin of Akihabara-】
【Chapter.1 -Early days- Akihabara before the war】
【Chapter.2 -Beginning from the burnt fields(1945-1954)-】
【Chapter.3 -High economic growth and consumer electronics boom (1955-1964)-】
【Chapter.4 -End of High Economic Growth and Oil Shock (1965-1974)-】
【Chapter.5 -The heyday of home appliances and the dawn of personal computers (1975-1984)-】
【Chapter.6 -The rise and collapse of the bubble economy and the arrival of the multimedia society (1985-1994)-】
【Chapter.7 -Crossfield completion, Akihabara station redevelopment-】
【Chapter.8 -From the Otaku Culture Hall of Fame to the world’s Akiba. A new era of “transforming city” Akihabara-】
【Chapter.1 -Early days- Akihabara before the war】
【Chapter.2 -Beginning from the burnt fields(1945-1954)-】
【Chapter.3 -High economic growth and consumer electronics boom (1955-1964)-】
【Chapter.4 -End of High Economic Growth and Oil Shock (1965-1974)-】
【Chapter.5 -The heyday of home appliances and the dawn of personal computers (1975-1984)-】
【Chapter.6 -The rise and collapse of the bubble economy and the arrival of the multimedia society (1985-1994)-】
【Chapter.7 -Crossfield completion, Akihabara station redevelopment-】
【Chapter.8 -From the Otaku Culture Hall of Fame to the world’s Akiba. A new era of “transforming city” Akihabara-】