Store Information
Janpara Akihabara 2nd Store
Exchange Sotokanda Bldg. ,4-4-7, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo |
■Products handled
Video equipment (plasma, LCD, other TVs, projectors, etc...) Video recording/playback equipment (DVD&HDD player, DVD&VTR, DVD, VTR etc...) Used AV equipment Semiconductor audio equipment (MP3 player etc., iPod & iTunes, iPod related products) Semiconductor video recording/playback equipment (SD/HDD recorders & players, etc.) Video cameras/digital video cameras (DVC, Hi-8, DVD-RAM cameras) Digital camera (digital still camera) Camera (SLR, compact camera, etc.) Desktop personal computer (Windows, world standard machine) Notebook computer (Windows, world standard machine: notebook PC, sub notebook PC) PC peripherals (monitors, printers, digital cameras, scanners, various PCMCIA cards, etc...) Various computer parts (CPU, HDD, motherboard, various boards) PC accessories and supplies Electronic stationery (electronic books, translators, etc.) PDA (mobile device) WS (workstation) Used software (game) Audio tapes/disks: MD/CD-R/CD-RW, etc. Video tape/disc: CD-R/RW/DVD-RAM.-RW.+RW/Blu-ray Data system: Tape, disk, card system: PC card, flash memory card, etc. Video game equipment (main unit) Video game equipment (peripheral equipment) PC purchase (PC, PDA, peripherals, etc.)
We have an abundant stock of new notebook PCs, new digital cameras, used AV equipment, PC parts, and peripheral equipment. All have confidence in the price. We look forward to your visit. Akihabara's largest purchase center purchases laptop PCs, peripherals, digital cameras, PC parts, mobile phones, etc. at high prices. Business welcome! ! Quickly and carefully pay by high-value assessment. We also welcome large quantities of new products. Please use it.